
Monday Go-to-hometown Sunny
This morning, after packing my luggage and having breakfast, I headed home. I didn’t sleep well last night and hoped to rest on the journey, but the environment didn’t allow it, so I felt quite tired. In the evening, I played mahjong with friends, had some barbecue, and then went home to rest. 今天起床后收拾行李,吃了早饭后就出发回家了,昨天没睡好,想着在车上睡觉的,但是环境不允许,很累。晚上和朋友打麻将,然后吃了点烧烤,回家休息了


SundayZhongguancun-Science-Park Clear-up-after-rain Today was a make-up workday for the National Day holiday. There wasn’t much to do at work, so in the afternoon, I sneaked back home to pick up a delivery.In the evening, I chatted with a college classmate for a while, then worked out, showered, and got ready for bed. Before sleeping, I realized I shouldn’t attend my college classmate’s wedding, so I booked a ticket to go home and requested a day off for tomorrow. 今天是国庆节的调休,需要上班。没什么事情做,下午溜回家收了一下快递。晚上和大学同学聊了一会天,然后健身运动了一会儿洗漱睡觉了。睡前想到不应该去参加大学同学的婚礼。就订了回家的车票,然后请了明天的假。


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Cloudy I had the day off today and stayed home playing games. I bought a box of cream puffs to eat. In the evening, I watched videos. 今天休息,在家打游戏。买了一盒泡芙吃。晚上在刷视频


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy I went to work as usual, and today there was a bit of work to do. In the evening, I watched videos after getting home. 正常上班,今天还有点工作量。晚上回家刷视频。


ThursdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Partly-Cloudy-with-Rain I went to work as usual, but didn’t really do much. In the evening, I played video games after getting home. 正常上班,没做什么事情。晚上回家打游戏。


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Clear-to-rain I didn’t sleep well last night, possibly due to the change in season. It felt a bit cold, but after switching to a spring/autumn blanket, I got a bit too warm. Went to work as usual, taking the bus. In the evening, I didn’t play any games, just watched some videos and edited one to post on my Moments. After that, I worked out for a bit, ate some fruit and eggs, took a shower, and tried to sleep. I kept thinking about achieving a mind-body balance, but it’s really hard. Ended up staying up until around 2 AM again. 昨天一晚上没睡好,不知道是不是换季的原因,有点冷,换了春秋被子后有优点热。正常上班,坐公交车。晚上回家也没玩游戏,刷了视频,剪了个视频发朋友圈。然后锻炼了一会吃了水果和鸡蛋,洗澡睡觉,一直想着身心合一,但是真的好难做到,又熬夜到2点左右才睡。


TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain I went to work as usual but didn’t have much to do, so I spent time browsing e-commerce platforms. In the evening, I went home and played games. 正常上班,没做什么事情,在逛电商平台。晚上回家玩游戏。


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Rain I went to work as usual. It rained all day. In the evening, I planned to work out, but ended up helping a friend discuss and plan their travel arrangements for the holiday, which took until late at night. I killed a mouse in my room, which might have crawled in from the open window during the day or through a hole behind the toilet or where the air conditioning pipes enter. I couldn’t find any other entry points, so I’m considering buying something to block these areas and prevent mice from entering my room. 正常上班,下了一天的雨,晚上回家玩游戏,想着健身的。后来帮朋友假期回家的出行方案进行讨论出谋划策,就到深夜了。在房间里面打死一只老鼠,也许是白天开着窗户通风从外面爬进来的。或者是马桶后面的洞口,或者是空调管的洞口,其他地方找不到,想着买点什么产品阻止老鼠进入我的房间了。


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Rain I played games all day. Ordered some fruit via delivery, and it rained the whole day. 玩了一天游戏。外卖买了水果,下了一天的雨。


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Partly-Cloudy-with-Rain I stayed home all day playing games. For lunch, I had sweet potatoes and eggs, and in the evening, I ordered a sashimi set. 今天在家玩了一天游戏。中午吃的番薯加鸡蛋,晚上点了刺身套餐。


FridayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I worked as usual today and updated both my macOS and iOS systems to the latest versions. I tried the screen mirroring feature on my phone, but the experience wasn’t great. It was laggy, and the phone overheated. In the evening, I played PS games. 正常上班,更新了macos系统与ios系统到最新。使用手机镜像功能,体验不好。使用卡顿,并且手机发烫。晚上回家玩游戏。


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Typhoon I worked as usual today. There was another typhoon affecting the weather, so I took the bus to work due to the rain. I discussed recent work challenges with my supervisor. One of my subordinates isn’t capable, which has made the work more difficult. The outcome was to let him go, which was my intention from the start since staying on wouldn’t benefit the team or him. In the evening, I played video games after getting home. 正常上班,今天又有台风影响,下雨,所以坐公家车去上班。和领导反馈了最近工作上的困境。我属下的同事能力不行,导致增加了工作的困难程度。结果就是让他离开吧。这也是我的初衷,因为继续在这对团队以及他自己都没有任何益处。晚上回家玩游戏。


WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny A regular day at work. There wasn’t much to do, so I solved some algorithm problems and idled by reading a book. In the evening, I played PS games. 正常上班。没事做,做做算法题,摸鱼看书。晚上玩PS游戏。


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Typhoon I played video games, and the typhoon brought some showers. I went out briefly to throw out the trash, bought some fruit, and after dinner made steamed eggs. Then I ate the fruit and ended up feeling really full. After taking off my clothes and weighing myself, I was 135 pounds. 打游戏,台风影响,有阵雨,就出门扔了个垃圾。买了水果等,吃完晚饭再做了水蒸蛋,然后吃了水果,肚子都撑了。脱完衣服一称都135斤了。


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Typhoon I played video games. The typhoon had a slight effect, and it rained for a while, but I didn’t pay much attention to it since I didn’t go out. 打游戏,台风有一点点影响,下了一会雨,不过我没太注意,没出门过。


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Cloudy During the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, I stayed in my dorm playing video games. After waking up, I had mooncakes and steamed eggs, then went out to buy a cup of coffee. 中秋放假在寝室打游戏。起床吃的月饼和水蒸蛋,然后就出门买了杯咖啡。


SaturdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Partly-Cloudy-with-Rain Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival make-up workday, so I had to go to work. In the morning, I summarized a lot of work-related issues about my colleagues. From now on, I won’t record my workouts here anymore since I’ll be filming and uploading them to Douyin for documentation. In the evening, I played video games and then went to bed. 正常上班,今天是中秋节的调休,需要上班。上午总结了很多关于同事的工作问题。以后锻炼我就不记录了,因为我会摄像上传到抖音做记录的。晚上打了游戏然后睡觉了。


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I had a regular workday. After work, I did pull-ups and a core workout. Then, I showered, played games, and watched some videos. I managed to go to bed a little earlier tonight, just before 1 a.m. 正常上班,下班后做了引体和核心相关的锻炼。然后洗澡完游戏刷视频。今天晚上是1点不到睡的。


ThursdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunday I had a regular workday. After work, I did an arm workout, but after watching some fitness videos, I decided to switch up my routine. From now on, I’ll focus only on pull-ups and push-ups. Arm workouts aren’t necessary anymore. I’ll rotate between pull-ups, push-ups, and leg exercises, with core and cardio mixed in between. After my shower, I played some games and ended up staying up until 2 a.m. again. I’ve decided I need to sleep earlier and play games in the morning instead. 正常上班。下班后锻炼了手臂,看了健身的科普决定以后只练习引体和俯卧撑。手臂没有必要训练了。引体、俯卧撑、腿部三个循环训练。核心与有氧穿插这些训练之间。洗澡后玩游戏。又是2点钟才睡觉。决定晚上早点睡,早上起来玩游戏。


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy
I had a regular workday, and since I went to bed a bit earlier last night, I felt much better and less tired today. After work, I did a chest workout, took a shower, and played some games. I noticed Devil May Cry 5 was on sale on PlayStation, so I bought it right away since I missed the last sale, not realizing that the discounts come in cycles. Played it for about an hour, but it didn’t grab my attention as much as I expected. So I switched back to Ghost of Tsushima. Ended up staying up late again, going to bed around 2 a.m. 正常上班,昨天睡的稍微早了一点,今天感觉好很多没有那么累了。晚上回家后锻炼了胸部。然后洗澡玩游戏。PlayStation上这一期的打折有《鬼泣5》,直接买了,上一次的打折错过了,因为不知道平台的打折是一期一期做活动的。玩了1个小时左右又去玩对马岛之魂了,感觉《鬼泣5》并没有我想象中那么吸引我。今天又睡的比较晚,2点多才睡。


TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunday I had a regular workday, but I felt really tired, even just walking, probably due to lack of sleep. I definitely need to go to bed earlier. After getting home, I worked out my legs, then took a shower and played some games. I bought It Takes Two on PlayStation since it was on sale, though I don’t have anyone to play with yet. The sale ends tomorrow, so I grabbed it while I could. Ended up falling asleep around 1 a.m. 正常上班,睡眠少了感觉走路都好累。晚上还是要早点睡觉呀。晚上回家后锻炼了腿部。然后洗澡玩游戏了。在PlayStation上买了游戏《双人成行》,但是没有双人可以玩,由于打折先买了。明天这个游戏就没有打折了。1点左右睡着的。


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I had a regular workday. In the evening, I worked out my back and shoulders. The hot water in my apartment still hasn’t been fixed, but since it’s summer, I took a cold shower. Before that, I trimmed my own hair and cleaned the entire room. Then, I played Ghost of Tsushima. Right before bed, a mosquito started bothering me and made it hard to fall asleep. 正常上班。晚上回家锻炼了背部与肩部。住得公寓的热水还是没修复。夏天还好,我用冷水洗的澡,洗澡前还自己修剪了头发。再将房间全部打扫了一遍。然后玩对马岛之魂,睡前发现有蚊子在影响我入眠。


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny I did some core exercises after getting up but felt a bit weak, probably because I had just woken up. Then, I played Ghost of Tsushima. In the evening, I trained my arms and core. After dinner, I watched some videos, freshened up, and continued gaming. Right before bed, I found a huge cockroach, which was disgusting. I had to get up and kill it before I could finally go to sleep. 起床练了一会核心,发现力不从心,也许是刚起床的缘故。然后,玩了对马岛之魂。傍晚练了手臂与核心。吃完晚饭看了会视频洗漱继续玩游戏。睡前发现一只大蟑螂,太恶心了,起床弄死了它才睡觉。


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Partly-Cloudy-with-Rain
Today, I stayed home playing games. After getting up, I did some core exercises and then played Black Myth: Wukong all day until evening, finally finishing my third playthrough. However, the “Great Sage” mode was a bit disappointing. It feels like the game wasn’t fully developed before being released. I’ll wait for updates or optimizations. After completing it, I switched to other games—Spider-Man, Ghost of Tsushima, and Ratchet & Clank. 今天在家里玩游戏,起床先练了核心,然后一直玩黑神话悟空到晚上,终于三周目通关了。但是获得的大圣模式却差强人意。感觉游科游戏没开发完整就拿出来卖了。等他更新或者优化吧。通过了就直接把游戏关了。去玩其他的游戏了,蜘蛛侠,对马岛之魂,瑞奇与叮当。


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Partly-Cloudy-with-Rain A regular workday. In the evening, I worked out my chest, took a shower, and then played games. 正常上班。晚上回家锻炼了胸部,然后洗澡玩游戏。


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny A regular workday. In the evening, I worked out my legs and core, but for some reason, the recording of my workout got interrupted—I’m not sure if it’s my phone acting up or something else. Then, I took a shower and played some games. 正常上班。晚上回家锻炼了腿部与核心,健身的录像莫名其妙被断了,手机不行了还是什么不得而知,然后洗澡玩游戏。


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny A regular workday today. In the evening, I worked out my back and shoulders, then took a shower and played some games. 正常上班。晚上回家锻炼了背部与肩膀,然后洗澡玩游戏。


TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny
A regular workday today. In the morning, I solved a LeetCode problem. In the evening, I worked out my arms, then took a shower and played some games. 正常上班,上午刷了一题leetcode。晚上回家锻炼了手臂,然后洗澡玩游戏。


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny A regular workday today with not much going on. In the evening, I worked out my chest, then took a shower and continued with the second playthrough of the game. Played until after 1 a.m., and then watched videos until 2:30 a.m. before going to sleep. 正常上班,没做什么事情。晚上回家锻炼了胸部,然后洗澡继续进行游戏的第二周目循环。玩到深夜1点多才停。还刷视频到2:30才睡觉。


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny Today, I slept until around 11 a.m., which was one of the most restful sleeps I’ve had lately. After getting up, I continued playing the game and finally completed it by 8 p.m. Then, I did a leg workout, took a shower, and went to bed. 今天睡到中午11点左右。是最近睡的比较舒服的一天了,起床继续玩游戏,到晚上8点多终于把游戏通关了。然后锻炼了腿部,洗澡睡觉了。