
MondayZhongguancun-Science-Park weather


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Cloudy 今天休息,想着再染发的,发现染发的已经氧化完了,应该已经没用了。买了一杯咖啡。玩了一下午的游戏。晚上整理了下房间,


Saturday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny 正常上班,认真上班开发的一天。晚上回家和朋友聊了一会出行去广东旅游的计划。运动完洗漱后玩游戏,然后睡觉。


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Back to work today, and I spent some time learning Next.js. I found that the usage of the router is different from previous frameworks—it’s all hook-based, making it difficult to use in requests. I planned to manage the data flow with Zustand, which is currently a popular state management tool. However, I didn’t have enough time to explore the new framework, so I ended up using the old framework for development. On the backend, I used a newer one, but it led to CORS issues. By the end of the workday, I had a headache, likely due to forward head posture. After exercising and sweating it out at home, I felt better.Then I dyed my hair, but the color is barely noticeable. Before bed, I played PS5 and scrolled through Douyin, staying up late again and not sleeping well. 正常上班,学了一会nextjs,发现router的使用不和以前的框架一样,全都用的hooks。导致在request中不能使用。数据流准备使用zustand。现在比较流行的状态处理工具。但是时间不够我研究使用新框架的,最后还是用老框架开发了。后台用的新的,出现的跨域问题。下班时头疼,应该是脖子前倾导致的,回家后运动出汗后就好了。然后染了头发,基本上看不出来颜色。睡前玩了ps5,又在刷抖音,晚上睡的迟,又没有睡好。


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Back to work as usual today, and I spent the whole day learning Next.js. However, I stayed up late again tonight, still unable to align body and mind. 正常上班,学了一天的nextjs知识。今天晚上又睡迟了,不能身心合一。


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Back to work as usual, but didn’t do much—just a day of coasting. I went to bed early last night but still overslept today, so I took an hour off in the morning. In the afternoon, new development tasks came up, leaving no time to continue studying Next.js. 正常上班,没做什么事情,摸鱼的一天。昨天睡的挺早的,但是今天却睡过头了,请假了一个小时。下午有新的开发需求了,没时间再去研究nextjs了。


TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Back to work today. It was the first day the stock market reopened after the holiday, and at first, it went completely wild before calming down a bit. Overall, the market surged, and I nearly broke even. I ended up selling almost everything, leaving just a small portion. In this heated market, I’ve decided to sell off all my funds. I don’t want to waste more time on this, whether it’s gains or losses. In the end, the only thing lost is time. Even if you make a profit, it won’t be much, and everything is relative. Those who make significant profits also face the risk of huge losses. 正常上班,假期后股市开市的第一天,刚开始彻底疯狂,慢慢降了下去,整体还是上涨很多的。我基本回本了,然后基本全卖了,还留了一点。在这次火热的市场我要讲所有基金全抛掉。以后不在这方面浪费时间,亏损盈利。到最后流失的只是时间。就算盈利也不会太多。都是相对的,能做到很多的盈利的人,也会有很大的亏损的。


Monday Home-to-Wenzhou Cloudy The holiday ended today, and I returned to Wenzhou. There was a traffic jam along the way, which delayed my trip, so I had to reschedule my train ticket. I played games in Lishui for two hours while waiting. I got back to my dorm around 7 p.m., had dinner, and then had a two-hour voice chat with a friend. He wanted to borrow money, but it felt a bit distant and awkward, like he was overdoing the small talk because he was uncomfortable asking. 今天假期结束了,回温州,中途堵车耽误了行程,改签了动车,在丽水玩了2小时游戏。到宿舍晚上7点多。吃了晚饭和朋友语音了2小时。他的目的是为了借钱,有点见外了感觉。也许也是有些不好意思,太过于寒暄了。


Sunday Home Cloudy I met with a friend at noon to send him off to Guangzhou. After that, I visited another friend’s place and watched some anime. In the evening, a close friend treated us to a late-night meal. There were three of us, and we talked about family, marriage, self-reflection, and vented about some of life’s frustrations. Afterward, I smoked another cigarette. 中午和朋友见面,送他出发广州,然后去朋友家里做了一会,看了动漫,晚上发小请客吃夜宵,还有一个朋友,3个人聊了关于家庭,婚姻,自我等话题,吐槽了一会生活的不如意,结束后又吸了一只烟。


Saturday Home Cloudy I treated my friends to dinner and karaoke, spending a total of 2,500 yuan. The dinner cost 500 yuan, and the karaoke room minimum charge was 1,288 yuan, with cigarettes and other expenses bringing it to 1,400 yuan. After everything, I smoked a cigarette and went home to sleep. 请朋友们吃了晚饭,唱歌喝酒,花了2500元。吃饭500,包厢低消1288在加香烟等共1400元。结束后吸了一支香烟,回家睡觉。


Friday Home Cloudy In the afternoon, I went to an Apple authorized store and bought a 240W power cable for 199 yuan. I tried it at home, and it finally worked, allowing my Mac to charge properly. Afterward, I updated the system and scrolled through short videos. In the evening, I stayed home watching anime, didn’t go out, then watched more short videos, showered, and went to bed. 下午去苹果授权店买了240w功率的电源线,花了199元。回家试了终于可以正常充电了。更新了系统,刷了短视频。晚上在家看动漫没出门。刷了短视频洗澡睡觉了。


ThursdayHome Cloudy I forgot to bring my Mac’s power cable back home, so I tried a few replacement cables at home, but none could connect to my charger. I thought it might be a power issue. In the afternoon, I borrowed a cable from my childhood friend to test it, but it also didn’t work due to the power difference. In the evening, when we went out for a late-night snack, I returned the cable and we had some stir-fry together. mac的电源线没带回去,在家里找了几条替代。插不到我的充电头上。以为是功率不对。下午问发小借了一条试了一下,线的功率不对也用不了。晚上找他吃夜宵的时候还给她了。一起吃了小炒。


Wednesday Home Cloudy Today, the temperature dropped. After having lunch at home, I went out to play mahjong with friends and then spent some time at an internet café playing games. For dinner, we had some snacks together. In the evening, I played more mahjong. I won over 100 yuan at noon, which covered the karaoke expenses from the previous night, but I lost more than 200 yuan in the evening. After a late-night snack, I went home to rest. 今天降温了,中饭在家里吃完,出发和朋友打麻将,然后去网吧玩了一会儿游戏。晚饭和朋友吃了小吃。晚上又打了麻将。中午赢了100多,AA了昨天晚上唱歌的钱。晚上输了200多。吃了夜宵回家休息了。


Tuesday Home Cloudy Today, after waking up, I went out to eat with friends and played mahjong. I had dinner at home and chatted with my parents for a while before going out to sing karaoke with friends. 今天起床,和朋友出去吃饭,然后打麻将,晚饭在家里吃的。和父母闲聊了一会,和朋友出去唱歌了。