
Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain I went to work as usual and when I got home, I watched anime and did some light exercise.


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy
I went to work as usual and in the evening, I ran 2 kilometers. When I got home, I watched anime and did some core exercises.


SundayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I went to work as usual and worked overtime for a while in the evening. On my way home, I watched “End of Evangelion”. Afterwards, I did some light core and leg exercises.


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny I overslept today and missed my dental appointment. I thought it was scheduled for the afternoon, but it turns out it was at 10:30 in the morning. The dental clinic’s app says that if you miss an appointment, you can’t schedule another one for three months. I’m not sure if that’s true or not. I’ll try again tomorrow. In the afternoon, I played League of Legends with friends, but it wasn’t enjoyable. The gaming experience is heavily dependent on teammates. After returning home, I ordered takeout and did core and leg exercises. In the early hours of the morning, I deleted my gaming account. I won’t be able to log in to the game for 15 days, otherwise the account deletion will be revoked.


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny “I went to work as usual, and encountered a challenging problem regarding the implementation of real-time typing effect for network request streams. Later, I discovered it was due to issues with the local proxy. The interface from the other party was cross-origin, and although our frontend used a proxy, there were still problems. When I switched to using their official interface without the proxy, the issue was resolved because there was no cross-origin problem. It took me two hours after returning home in the evening to solve it. Then I went online until the early hours of the morning before returning home.”


TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Partly-Cloudy-with-Rain “I went to work as usual and in the evening, I ran 2 kilometers in the nearby residential area. After returning home, I did core exercises.”


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy

”I worked as usual during the day. In the evening, after dinner, I felt like going for a run. I searched on the map and found several parks nearby. I rode my bike around for a while, scouting for a suitable running spot. Eventually, I found a residential area nearby that became my preferred running location. During my run, a woman asked me to take a photo of her. I didn’t ask for her contact information, feeling a bit embarrassed.”


TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain I went to work as usual today. In the afternoon, I ordered bubble tea. In the evening, after dinner, I went online to play League of Legends again, telling myself that I would stop playing once I received my medical examination results. After playing about 5-6 games, I finally randomly got to play the hero I wanted. However, someone disconnected from the game, and it ended prematurely, so I still didn’t get to play the character I wanted. Later on, the game server crashed while I was still playing. It was too much. If quitting gaming requires a trigger, I believe this is the best trigger arranged for me by fate. When I can delete my account tomorrow, I will go ahead and do it.

Unlike quitting smoking, which I’ve been successful with for 9 months now after smoking for nearly 12 years, most people think quitting smoking is difficult and requires a trigger or significant conviction. Indeed, it is challenging. I’ve probably attempted to quit smoking over a hundred times, sometimes saying it out loud and sometimes not. During intense moments, I would resolve to quit after every pack of cigarettes. This cycle continued until eventually, I quit for good. There wasn’t any special event or trigger. Now when I see someone smoking, it’s like seeing a fool wasting hard-earned money on something that harms their physical and mental health.

It’s similar to being addicted to games, although games can sometimes bring happiness. That seems to be the only difference. However, the happiness is short-lived, and after the game ends, I blame myself for not striving for progress and create anxiety. After coming home, I exercise my core and stabilize my pelvis, then take a shower and go to sleep.


MondayZhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain Last night, I couldn’t sleep at all. I took a half-day sick leave in the morning to catch up on sleep. In the afternoon, I went to work as usual. In the evening, I went to the internet cafe to play League of Legends but still couldn’t play the hero I wanted. It was frustrating, so I decided to delete my account for the game. However, the account deletion system was undergoing maintenance and I couldn’t proceed. I made some instant noodles and went to bed after 1 o’clock in the morning.


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Rain I slept for a long time. Maybe the melatonin really works. In the evening, I had dinner with friends. I watched anime for a while at noon, then went to the internet cafe to play League of Legends after washing clothes. It was frustrating because I couldn’t choose the hero I wanted in the game. During dinner, we discussed topics related to cryptocurrency and life, including desires, money, and personal health, both physical and emotional. Back home in the evening, I couldn’t sleep again. I’m not sure if it’s because of Monday coming up or the coffee I had at noon.


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny I had a medical checkup in the morning. After the blood draw, I felt extremely tired and wanted to sleep, feeling very exhausted. In the afternoon, when I returned home, I lay down on the bed and felt very light-headed. I couldn’t fall asleep. After resting for a while, I went to the dental clinic for teeth cleaning. After the cleaning, my gums felt itchy. In the evening, I took two melatonin-like supplements and went to bed.


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy I went to work as usual. In the evening, I did some light exercise at home and then went to bed early because I have a medical checkup tomorrow.


ThursdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I went to work as usual today, but I wasn’t feeling well. I didn’t do much during the day. In the evening, I did exercises to strengthen my sacroiliac and hip joints to improve pelvic stability.


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Went to work as usual and brought a U-shaped pillow, which made my nap much more comfortable. In the evening, I went home to study and practice posture correction.


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain Went to work as usual and skipped the nap today. In the evening, I went home and exercised my shoulders and arms.


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain Went to work as usual. After a nap at noon, I had a headache due to discomfort in my cervical spine. In the evening, I went home and rested early.


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Light-Rain After waking up, I cooked some corn for breakfast and waited for my clothes to finish washing before heading to the internet cafe to play “League of Legends.” I wanted to play as Ryze, a champion that I hadn’t seen in the game for the last two days. It’s ridiculous; nearly 30 matches of 5-person random, with each person averaging two random selections, which should cycle through about 300 champions. Considering there are only about 160 champions in total, the odds were just too frustrating. I’ve decided not to play anymore, which might be a turning point for me. After coming home in the evening, I exercised.


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Partly-Cloudy-with-Rain
I got up to go for a medical check-up, and though I remembered I needed to hold my urine when I first woke up, I forgot by the time I reached the bathroom and ended up going. After that, I realized that spending over 2000 at the hospital wouldn’t be worth it if the results were inaccurate due to not holding my urine. So, I canceled the appointment and went back home. After having breakfast at home, I watched “Death Note” and fell asleep again. I woke up around noon, and a friend invited me to play “League of Legends” at an internet cafe. In the evening, I went home to exercise and continued watching the “Death Note” anime.


FridayZhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Went to work as usual. I have a health check-up tomorrow, so after work today, I just rested without doing much.


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Went to work as usual, and in the evening, I went home to exercise my arm muscles and practice handstands.


WednesdayplaceSunny Went to work as usual, and in the evening, I watched anime at home and worked out my back and core muscles. I accidentally twisted my waist while stretching, though it was a minor injury. I need to be more careful in the future and not push my stretching to the limit.


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Went to work as usual, worked on code optimization, and other tasks. In the evening, I went home to exercise my chest muscles.


MondayZhongguancun-Science-Park Partly-Cloudy-with-Rain Went to work as usual. In the afternoon, the leader called me and another colleague into the office to say that we might need to be stationed at the Traffic Management Bureau on Chezhan Avenue. There might be some subsidies provided to us, and other details would be discussed once we get there.


Sunday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Went to work as usual. I didn’t sleep well last night, so I felt groggy and uncomfortable, especially my heart, which always feels uneasy after a poor night’s sleep. Couldn’t nap at lunch because a colleague was snoring. In the evening, I played on my phone for a while after getting home, then washed up and went to bed.


SaturdayEast-Ou-Residential-Community Light-Rain I spent some time resting and watching videos. Went out for a stroll. In the evening, I played Werewolf and worked out my chest muscles.


Friday East-Ou-Residential-Community Light-Rain I worked out my back muscles at home, went out for a haircut in the evening, and it rained. I went for a massage to relax my muscles. After that, on my way home, I fell off my bike, landing directly on my backside; the sidewalk was too slippery, and I shouldn’t have ridden on it. I went home, took a shower, and rested.


Thursday East-Ou-Residential-Community Light-Rain Today marks the start of the three-day Qingming Festival holiday. I’m spending it at home exercising my chest muscles and watching videos.


WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Clear-to-rain Went to work as usual. In the morning, after getting up and freshening up, I opened the window and walked over to the coffee table to drink some milk. I noticed the clothes rack shaking and initially thought it was just the wind from the window causing it, but then I suddenly felt a bit dizzy. My body was shaking too, and I wondered why I was feeling dizzy as if I had just smoked, even though I hadn’t. I thought something was wrong with my health, but then I realized it was an earthquake. I thought about rushing downstairs immediately and quickly put on my shoes. I didn’t run down; instead, I even took my headphones and room keys, and even considered grabbing some decorations. Maybe it was my subconscious thinking that earthquakes here in Wenzhou are usually just aftershocks and fundamentally not dangerous. Or maybe my judgment was really off, worrying about my appearance even in a dangerous situation. By the time I was actually ready to go downstairs, the shaking had already stopped. Today, I was fixing bugs. My subordinate couldn’t even pinpoint the problems in the bugs he created, let alone solve them. Sigh, it feels a bit frustrating.


TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Clear-to-overcast Went to work as usual, and today was the day to submit our development work for testing, since we needed to present it to the users after the Qingming Festival. I had completed my own tasks, but the work assigned to my subordinate was not properly done. The level of negligence was quite exaggerated. By the day of submission, some requirements hadn’t even been fully understood. He was unable to complete even slightly challenging tasks independently. I ended up cleaning up all the messes. After work, he stayed late as a consequence of his own inadequate performance. After coming home, I exercised my chest muscles.


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Went to work as usual, then went home in the evening to exercise my arm muscles.