
WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny A typical day at work: I woke up at 7:00 AM and did a core workout. Today’s work mostly involved fixing bugs and tackling LeetCode’s daily problem. I wanted to add an SSH certificate to the server but found out I need to register it with my ID, so I’ll have to do that at home. I looked into some backend Java-related topics like IDEA and Spring, planning to learn more about Java backend development. Before leaving work, I went for a 20-minute walk. After getting home, I first worked on my shoulders, but my right shoulder was painful and my humerus seemed to be an issue. After dinner, I completed the website registration and watched some videos on Bilibili. Then, I exercised my legs and went for a 30-minute walk. When I returned, I had some steamed eggs I made before the walk, took a shower, and went to bed. 正常上班,早晨7:00起床练了核心.今天上班内容主要修改bug,刷了今天的leetcode每日一题,想给服务器上ssh证书,发现需要备案,需要身份证认证。只能回家再做了。看了下关于后台java,idea,spring相关的东西。准备学一下java后台的东西。下班前出门走路了20分钟。回家后先锻炼了肩部,右肩疼痛,肱骨有问题。吃了饭后将网站备案了,刷了下bilibili。然后锻炼腿部,接着出门走路30分钟。回来吃了出门走路前做水蒸蛋,洗澡睡觉。


TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Clear-up-after-rain Normal work day. Woke up at 6:30 AM and did some core exercises. Worked diligently for half the day, then solved a LeetCode problem. Bought a domain and professional DNS resolution service from Tencent Cloud and linked it to my own cloud server. After dinner, I did a chest workout. While doing push-ups, my right shoulder felt uncomfortable, making popping sounds and causing pain. I watched some videos and went to bed, still debating whether to buy a PS5 Slim. 正常上班,早晨6:30起床练了核心,今天认真工作了一半时间,之后刷了一题leetcode,去腾讯云买了域名和dns专业解析服务并绑定到自己的云服务器中。晚上回家吃了饭后锻炼了胸肌。做俯卧撑时右边肩膀不舒服,一直有弹响和疼痛。刷视频睡觉,还在犹豫想买ps5 slim。


MondayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I woke up at 6 AM and couldn’t go back to sleep. I got up at 6:30, washed up, and did a core workout for my abs and back starting at 7 AM. For breakfast, I had some ice cream and Oreos along with my meal. When I got to the office, I felt really tired, probably because I woke up too early. I also felt a bit nauseous, maybe from not sleeping well or because of the ice cream.

There wasn’t much to do at work today, so I solved a LeetCode problem. I couldn’t nap well during lunch because of loud typing sounds. In the afternoon, I continued working on integrating GitHub with my cloud server and successfully deployed the project to my server, writing some documentation as well.

I snuck out for a walk both in the morning and afternoon. After work, I went straight home and worked out my arms, then watched some videos. After dinner, I did a bit of core training and went for a walk. Finally, I took a shower and went to bed.

正常上班,早上6点就醒了。没再睡着了,6:30起床洗漱,7点开始练了一会腰腹核心力量。然后吃了早饭,还配了一点冰激凌和奥利奥,刚到办公室感觉很累。应该是起床太早的原因。还有点恶心,不知道是不是没睡好的原因还是冰激凌的原因。今天上班没什么事情,刷了一题leetcode。午休没睡好,有很响的打键盘的声音。下午继续做github集成到自己云服务器的事情而且成功将产物发送到了自己的云服务器上,并撰写相关文档。 上午下午都有偷偷出去散步。下班后回家直接开练了手臂,看视频,吃完饭后练了一会核心出门走路。回家后洗澡睡觉了。


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny After waking up, I noticed that the sparrow chick had died, so I decided to dispose of it, acknowledging that it would have likely perished on the street if I hadn’t picked it up. I then did some abdominal exercises and ordered sashimi for lunch. After dinner, I had yogurt and dragon fruit. Then, I did a leg workout and went cycling. I went to the farmers’ market and bought some corn, then to Yiming and bought some milk. After resting for a while at home, I ordered takeout and did a shoulder workout. After eating, I went out for a 30-minute walk. When I came back, I did a back workout, then showered and went to bed. A good friend asked to borrow money again. It seems that the friends I once proudly called my brothers only contact me when they need to borrow money now. I don’t know why it turned out this way. Maybe it’s because everyone is struggling. Although I am not doing great, I am still better off than them in comparison. The common interests we used to share don’t bring the same joy they once did. Perhaps it’s because everyone has their own worries now. Unlike when we just graduated from high school and were pure and carefree. I’ve almost given up on these pastimes. It’s not even about giving up—it’s just that I don’t get the same positive feedback from them anymore. Without this shared joy, it seems I have nothing in common with them. Most things in life are not universally shared between people, even if they were close friends before. Maybe I have issues, worrying too much, but maybe it’s this caution that has made my life slightly better than theirs. 饭后吃了酸奶与火龙果,然后锻炼了腿部,出去骑行。去农贸市场买了几个玉米,再去一鸣买了牛奶。回家休息了一会点了外卖再练了一会肩膀,吃完外卖出门走了30分钟,回家有练了背部肌肉。然后洗洗睡觉了。一个好朋友又问我借钱,我以前自以为豪的一帮兄弟,现在好像只有需要借钱的时候会联系我了。不知道为什么会变成这样,是不是因为大家都混的很差,虽然我也混的差,但是对比下比他们还是好了很多的,以前大家共同的喜好现在也玩不出年青时候的乐趣了。也许是大家都有了顾虑。不像高中刚毕业时候那样天真纯粹了。对于这些玩乐我差不多也已经戒了,也谈不上戒吧,因为现在去玩真的玩不出正反馈了。好像失去了这个乐子后,我与他们已经完全没有共同话题了。人和人大部分事情真的不是共通的,就算以前关系再好。也有可能也许是我自己有问题,顾虑太多,但是也许也是我有顾虑,才能让我的生活比他们好一点吧。


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny The typhoon is still having some effect today. I spent the morning watching videos and eating a lot of fruit and yogurt I bought yesterday. I wanted to go for a walk but decided against it due to the possibility of heavy rain. In the evening, I worked on my chest muscles. On my way out to eat, I found an injured sparrow chick on the ground. I brought it home and tried to feed it some melon, boiled egg yolk, and crushed nuts. Unfortunately, after a while, it kept its eyes closed and seemed less energetic, refusing to eat. Later, I went for a 30-minute walk, then came back, took a shower, and went to bed.


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Typhoon I had a normal workday today, with the typhoon still affecting the weather, causing intermittent rain. The sound of the typhoon last night affected my sleep. Despite that, I worked diligently. In the evening, I went home and watched videos.


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Typhoon I had a regular workday and was quite focused. The typhoon brought heavy rain. In the evening, I went home and worked out, focusing on my shoulders and arms.


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy I had a regular workday today. There was a typhoon hitting Fujian, which also affected our area. During lunch, I took a 15-minute walk. In the evening, I walked home and did some ab exercises before bed.


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I had a regular workday today. I woke up at 4 AM and couldn’t fall back asleep, so I watched videos on my phone until around 7 AM. Before heading to work, I did 15 pull-ups. In the morning, I took a 15-minute break to go for a walk, and I did the same in the afternoon before finishing work. In the evening, I went for another 30-minute walk and then did some leg exercises.


MondayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I had a regular workday today. In the evening, I was very tired, so I didn’t exercise and went to bed early.


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny Today, I cooked corn and steamed eggs for breakfast. In the afternoon, I watched videos, then went out for a haircut. In the evening, I did a core workout and cooked more corn. For dinner, I ordered salmon. Later, I did another core workout, went for a 20-minute walk, and bought some sweet potatoes.


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny This morning, I went out for noodles, then took a walk before heading back home to watch videos. In the evening, I went for a half-hour bike ride and bought some corn. After that, I did a chest workout and spent the rest of the evening watching videos.


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Today, I went to work as usual. In the evening, I watched videos at home and didn’t exercise.


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Today, I went to work as usual. After work, I went for a 5-kilometer bike ride for exercise. In the evening, I did a chest workout and then took a 30-minute walk.


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Today, I went to work as usual. The daily LeetCode problem was too difficult, so I gave up on it. After lunch, I took a 20-minute walk. At work, we discussed requirements and solutions, particularly the issue of nested tags in the automatic tagging feature.


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Today, I went to work as usual and solved some easy problems on LeetCode. I then worked on job-related tasks. In the evening, I watched videos at home, went for a 40-minute walk, and did lower body and core exercises.


MondayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Today, I thought about using my discount card to take the bus, but it charged me 2 yuan. It seems the discount card from another city cannot be used in Wenzhou; only QR codes can be used for free public transportation. During the day at work, I solved some LeetCode problems and spent half the day discussing requirements.


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny Today, I worked out my lower body and then went out for a bike ride.


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny Today, I stayed in my room watching videos, then went out for a walk. It looked like it was going to rain heavily, so I returned home and did a chest workout, but it didn’t end up raining. In the evening, I went out for another walk. I decided to adjust my sleep schedule because I used to have trouble sleeping every weekend. By going out for a walk at noon and letting my brain experience the daylight, I managed to sleep normally tonight.


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Today at work, I had no tasks to do, so I spent the entire day solving problems on LeetCode. In the evening, I watched videos at home.


ThursdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Today at work, I had no tasks to do, so I spent the entire day solving problems on LeetCode. In the evening, I watched videos at home, went out for a walk, and did a quick core workout when I got back.


WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I woke up very early, before 6 AM, and couldn’t fall back asleep. Today was a productive workday. In the evening, after dinner, I watched some videos. I had planned to work out, but it was my childhood friend’s birthday. Although I couldn’t be there to celebrate with him, we had an online video call and drank together. I went to bed quite late, around 1 AM.


TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I had a regular day at work. In the morning, I helped my brother with the deployment based on the plan we discussed yesterday. I worked diligently in the afternoon. On my way home in the evening, I bought a bunch of Shine Muscat grapes from a street vendor. After dinner, I watched the movie No More Bets, and then did some leg exercises. Afterwards, I rested. I didn’t have any milk tea today.


MondayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I had a regular day at work, but I didn’t do any company-related tasks. Instead, I spent the entire day helping my brother with changes to his server domain. I encountered some issues and discussed possible solutions with him in the evening. We also talked about life for a bit before I rested. I didn’t have any milk tea today.


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny
I watched videos in the dorm and viewed analysis and interpretations of the TV series Dark on Bilibili. In the evening, I did leg exercises and then went out for a bike ride. Later, I practiced the song “Without Me.”I started getting cystic acne on my face again, so I’m cutting back on milk tea and sweets.


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny
I watched videos in the dorm, including reactions to Black Wukong and similar content. In the evening, I went out for a walk. After returning home, I did core and leg exercises. Then, I watched analysis and interpretations of the TV series Dark on Bilibili.


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Normal work day. Today, there were no work-related tasks, so I spent some time studying The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! — The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python. After going home for dinner, I watched some videos. Then, I went out for a 30-minute walk. When I got back to the dorm, I did some light exercise, followed by a shower, and then went to bed.


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Normal work day. In the evening, I watched videos, went for a 20-minute walk, did a leg workout, and watched the TV series “Dark.”


WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Normal work day. In the evening, I practiced the song “Without Me” and watched two episodes of the TV series “Dark.”


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Normal work day, focused and productive. In the evening, I went home and studied Eminem’s song “Without Me”.I modified the blog configuration to ensure that the articles display the correct Git commit time instead of the static file build time.


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Normal work day. In the evening, I went home and finished watching the fourth season of Stranger Things.